Student Handbook
Welcome to Los Lunas Elementary School! The staff of Los Lunas Elementary is dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe, collaborative, and positive learning environment in our school. This handbook is designed to provide parents and students with critical information about our school, expectations, and procedures.
Please know that our student handbook is not meant to be an entirely inclusive document, as it would be difficult to identify all aspects of how our school functions in such limited space. We will update parents and students as necessary throughout the year. We hope that, with the support and commitment of parents/guardians and the staff of LLE, this will be your most successful academic year yet!
Los Lunas Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Personnel Office, Drawer 1300, Los Lunas, NM 87031, (505) 865-9636.
- Daily Schedule
- Sharing Responsibility for Student Success
- Important Information
- Visitors
- Policies & Procedures
- Cafeteria Services
- Dress Code
- Promoting a Sale, Collaborative, & Productive School Environment
- School Discipline
- Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior
- Play Safe-Be Safe!
- School & Classroom Policies
- Special Programs - Student Support Services
Daily Schedule
Parent Drop Off Begins: 8:30AM
Start of the Day: 8:55AM
Daily Schedule
Lunch and Recess:
First Grade: 11:30AM-12:00PM
Second Grade: 11:30AM-12:00PM
Third Grade: 12:00PM-12:30PM
Fourth Grade: 12:00PM-12:30PM
Fifth Grade: 12:30PM-1:00PM
Sixth Grade: 12:15-12:45
Kindergarten: 10:45AM-11:15AM
Afternoon Recess:
First/Second: 1:35PM-1:50PM
Third- 1:50PM-2:05PM, Fourth- 10:15AM-10:30AM
Dismissal: 3:10PM
Pre-K Schedule:
8:40AM-11:40AM session
(Breakfast upon arrival)
12:10PM-3:10PM Session
(Lunch upon arrival)
Early Release Schedule:
• Start time remains the same
• No morning or afternoon recesses
Early Release Dismissal: 12:45PM
Sharing Responsibility for Student Success
Parent-Teacher Council (PTC):
The Los Lunas Elementary PTC encourages parent involvement in all aspects of the educational programs in our school. General PTC meetings are scheduled throughout the year and are open to the public. PTC meetings are marked on our Family Calendar and published in our monthly newsletter. PTC projects include: Teacher Appreciation Projects, Open House, Pictures, Book Fairs, Field Trips, Teacher Grants, Parent Volunteer program, and other fundraising projects. All parents are welcome to attend the monthly PTC meetings.
Parent/Student Grievance Procedure:
The primary purpose of this policy is to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of parent/student complaints as close to the source of the complaint as possible. Therefore, parents/students should address the issue or complaint at the level where the issue arose, i.e., the teacher, coach, etc. If the complaint is not resolved, only then should the complaint proceed to the assistant principal, the principal, the assistant superintendent, the superintendent and as a final arbiter, the Board.
The following timeline shall be followed:
1. The aggrieved parent or student shall have a right to be heard orally by the instructor who shall render a decision within three (3) school days.
2. If the parent or student is not satisfied, the grievance shall be presented in writing within three (3) school days to the principal or designee who shall render a decision in writing within three (3) school days.
3. If the parent or student is still not satisfied, he/she shall within three (3)school days appeal to the assistant superintendent or superintendent. The grievance will be heard within three (3) school days and a response rendered within ten (10) school days.
4. If the parent or student is not satisfied he/she shall appeal to the Board of Education within three (3) school days. The Board shall hear the grievance within thirty (30) days and render a decision within one (1) calendar month.
ADOPTED: 1/9/96
REVISED: 1/14/97; 11/11/08
Important Information
Emergency Cards:
All students attending Los Lunas Schools are required to have an emergency card on file in the school office. The information on the card is used to verify guardianship when a person is checking out a student during the school day. Only those individuals listed on your child’s emergency card have access to your child. No one may check a student out, call them out of class, or have information given to them unless that individual’s name is on the student’s emergency card. The information is also used to notify parent(s) and/or guardian(s) in case of student’s illness or injury. Any legal documents pertaining to custody, guardianship, or name change must be on file in the office. It is important for parents/guardians to keep the office informed of current phone numbers or other information changes to the emergency card. Please list at least three current phone numbers to ensure that you are receiving all pertinent school information.
Immunization Requirements:
To attend public school in New Mexico, students are required to have the following immunizations at the times and dosages required by the Department of Health. By law, immunization records must be on file indicating that students have been properly inoculated. Failure to submit current immunization records for the student’s file are grounds to disenroll the student until proof of inoculation is submitted.
• 5 doses of DTaP
• 4 doses of Polio
• 3 doses of Hepatitis B
• 2 doses of MMR
• 2 doses of Varicella (PK-11th)
• 1 dose HEPA (PK)
Medication at School:
No medication of any kind (including Tylenol, Aspirin, cough drops, and over the counter drugs) can be administered at school without a written order from a doctor and signed permission by the parent. All medications must be in the properly labeled container. Forms are available from our School Nurse. A parent may come to school to administer medication to their child.
Pupil Check-out: Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours with any adult other than their parent and/or guardian or adult listed on the emergency card. Parents must report to the office to check out their child, at which time the child will be called out of the classroom to the office. To safeguard our students, a picture ID is required from anyone picking up students during the school day.
Student Arrival:
Student supervision begins at 8:20 am daily. Students are not to arrive on school grounds before 8:20 am.
Student Dismissal:
Every moment of instructional time counts in our classrooms. Parents are asked to avoid checking students out of school before the dismissal time of 3:00, except when absolutely necessary. Students riding buses are to board buses immediately following the dismissal bell. Students who walk are to leave the grounds at dismissal using the safe-walk route to go home. Parents transporting students are expected to pick up their child promptly at dismissal time. School personnel are not responsible for “child care” after school hours. Local authorities will be contacted when parents do not pick up students within one (1) hour of dismissal time.
Note: Parents are asked to make after-school arrangements with their child and teacher before they leave home in the morning. Please do not leave a voicemail message regarding after school transportation. Parents must provide prior written notice to the teacher. No changes will be allowed after 2:30.
A. LLE adheres to all CDC/DOH/LLS current COVID safety protocols. See LLS website for further information.
B. Visitors to the classroom must be 18 years or older, except for sponsored activities with students from other schools.
C. Upon arrival on a school campus, any individual, including a student from another school, must report to the office, state the reason for their visit, and sign in when granted permission. Parent volunteers or other visitors will only be admitted to classrooms if the teacher has notified the office of the visit. Visitors must provide a valid photo ID and be listed as an authorized contact on the student’s emergency contact list. Once the photo ID and contact information has been verified, the visitor will be issued a Visitor’s Badge.
D. The Raptor Visitor Badge must be worn above the waist and remain visible at all times.
E. Visitors must comply with all school rules while on campus.
F. Under no circumstances are visitors to approach any child, other than their own, to discuss anything other than a greeting.
G. An individual failing to comply with any of these procedures and/or causing a disruption of the educational process may be barred or removed from the campus at the principal’s discretion. The individual also may be charged with criminal trespass.
H. Prior to the visitor leaving the school site, they must sign out and discard the Visitor Badge.
I. Parents with non-ambulatory students or parents who have the need to be at their child’s school site on a frequent basis may apply for a one (1) year Visitor Badge. The Superintendent or his/her designee will consider their request on a case-by-case basis. The applications are available in the Personnel Department at Central Office.
Parents, guardians and community members are encouraged to become volunteers at our school. Volunteers should coordinate with the classroom teacher to determine days/times to volunteer. We ask volunteers to follow the guidelines outlined in the “Visitors” section of this handbook.
Please Note: To limit distractions from the educational process and avoid possible liability, non-enrolled children are not permitted in the classroom unless the activity has been coordinated by the school district.
Our students benefit in many ways from volunteer activities. Volunteer activities may include:
• Working with students in the classroom
• Shelving or repairing library books
• Sharing a craft or skill with students
• Helping with class field trips or socials
• Preparing instructional materials (at home or school)
• Reading to children
• Helping with computer activities
• Joining classrooms as a guest speaker
• Helping with PTC fundraisers
If you would like to become a school volunteer, please contact your child’s teacher.
All individuals requesting to volunteer in the school district for more than forty (40) hours during the school year are required to apply with the Human Resources Department.
Volunteers must have both of the following:
1. Criminal background check ($50.00 paid by the volunteer or the requesting school); and
2. Waiver statement and volunteer information sheet.
Volunteers must sign and submit an agreement acknowledging and agreeing to the following obligations:
1. Volunteer will comply with all policies and procedures of the District, including, but not limited to, policies requiring an individual to undergo criminal background checks, to maintain the confidentiality of student records as required by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to comply with the District’s policies on computer use, Drug Free Work Place Act, and sexual harassment.
2. Volunteer is not an employee of the District and shall not accrue any rights to compensation, leave, or other benefits of employment.
3. Volunteer agrees he or she will provide services subject to the direction and supervision of District employees.
4. Volunteer agrees that the District may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate volunteer’s services to the District.
5. Volunteer has no expectation of compensation for volunteered services. However, the District may reimburse volunteers for mileage, subject to the Per Diem and Mileage Act and may be paid a nominal amount for other charges and expenses approved by the District.
6. If Volunteer is an employee of the District, Volunteer agrees that:
a. He/she chooses to volunteer solely at his/her option for civic, charitable or humanitarian reasons and states he/she has not been coerced or forced to volunteer his/her services;
b. He/she has no expectation of compensation but may be reimbursed for mileage, subject to the Per Diem and Mileage Act and may be paid a nominal amount for other charges and expenses approved by the District; and
c. Volunteer services are not the same type of services for which the individual is employed to perform for the District.
Policies & Procedures
Abbreviated Schedule:
In the event of inclement weather and/or hazardous conditions, the Los Lunas Schools will operate on an abbreviated day basis. On Abbreviated Days, the start-up time for each school will be two hours later than usual; dismissal time will remain the same for all schools. Parents will be notified via the district’s automatic notification program. In addition, local radio and TV stations will relay Abbreviated Day information to the public (KOB, KOAT, KRQE).
In the event of a school closure during the day due to extreme weather conditions or hazardous situations, the automated notification system, local radio, and TV stations will inform the public of the emergency procedures. Parents should develop a plan with their children to use for bad weather, Abbreviated Days, or other emergency situations, in case there is no adult at home. Identify a neighbor or a relative for the child to contact and plan for a safe place for your child to stay.
Automated Notification System:
An automated parent/guardian telephone notification system is utilized by Los Lunas Schools. This notification system is used for notification of community outreach information, school events and notices, attendance notification, and emergency broadcasts for notification of Abbreviated Schedule, early school closure, etc. It is imperative the Automated Notification System has accurate phone numbers to facilitate parent/guardian contact. Please provide updated contact information to the school office as needed throughout the school year.
Regular attendance is necessary for two reasons: (1) it is required by state law and (2) it is essential to the student’s success in school. All students shall be expected to attend school during the Academic School year, in accordance with Compulsory Attendance Law (22-12-1 to 22-12-7 NMSA 1978). Under the district’s Truancy Plan, progressive disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is truant. Under a cooperative agreement, referrals can be made to the Valencia County District Attorney’s Office, if students/families fail to comply with the Compulsory School Attendance Law.
Reporting Student Absences:
According to our District policy, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to submit written notification to the school when the student is absent. Written notification shall be made to the front desk within 24 hours of the student returning to school.
Policy 7.1
A. The Los Lunas Board of Education recognizes that regular attendance by students who are subject to the Compulsory Attendance Statutes (N.M.S.A…) 1978 sections 22-12-1 through 22-12-7) is a vital cornerstone in school success. The Board expects students enrolled in the Los Lunas Schools to attend regularly and to make every reasonable effort to be both punctual and regular in their attendance.
B. Persons excused from the Compulsory Attendance requirements are: persons specifically exempted by law from the provisions of NMSA 1978 Sections 22-12-1 through 22-12-7;2 persons graduated from a high school; persons at least eighteen (18) years of age and have been excused by the local school board or its authorized representative upon finding that the person will be employed in a gainful trade or occupation or engaged in an alternative form of education sufficient for the person’s educational needs and the parent, guardian or other person having custody and control of the person to be excused from the provisions of this section by the superintendent of schools of the district in which the person is a resident and the person is under eight (8) years of age.
C. Persons subject to the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Law shall attend school for at least the time of the school year that is established in the Los Lunas Schools.
D. Any parent, guardian or person having custody and control of a person subject to the provisions of the Compulsory School Attendance Laws is responsible for the school attendance of that person.
E. If a student is absent (unexcused) for three (3) school days in any twenty (20) day period; a truancy letter will be generated through Truancy and sent to the student’s residence. If the unexcused absences continue and reach five (5) days, a five-day truancy letter will be sent to the listed residence informing them of the absences. If absences continue, they will be referred to attend a Truancy Prevention Workshop, notification will be sent out via mail. Other forms of interventions can and will be offered to assist the family with the truancy issue.
F. The Los Lunas Schools through the truancy department will receive notification via certified mail to the parent, legal guardian or custodian of a student who has accumulated ten (10) unexcused absences in any time period. These places the student into the Habitual Truant status as defined in the Compulsory School Attendance Statutes (NMSA…1978 22-12-1 through 22-12-7).
G. A parent, guardian or one having custody of a student who, after receiving written notification and after the matter has been reviewed as previously stated, knowingly allows the student to violate the Compulsory School Attendance Law shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. Upon first conviction, a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) dollars may be imposed, or the parent, guardian or one having custody of the student may be ordered to perform community service. If a second conviction occurs, the parent, legal guardian or one having custody of the student who knowingly allows the student to violate the Compulsory School Attendance Law shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.), or incarceration for a period not to exceed six (6) months or both.
H. No student shall be absent from school sponsored-interscholastic activities extracurricular activities in excess of ten(10) days in the school year, and no class may be missed in excess of ten(10) day in the entire school year. Non-school sponsored extracurricular activities such as 4H, which are approved by the district, will be treated the same as school sponsored interscholastic extracurricular activities.
I. Absences due to religious commitments are covered in the Compulsory School Attendance section under excused absences. The Los Lunas School’s Board of Education and its employees shall not assume responsibility for religious instruction or permit it to be conducted on school property.
J. The Board requires parents to provide written excuses or by phone depending on school site, indicating the reason and justification for not being present at school on the days absent, vacations are not an excused absence.
ADOPTED: 9/21/87
REVISED: 11/14/00; 10/01/2008; 11/11/2008
LEGAL REFERENCES: 22-12-1 through 22-12-8 NMSA, 1978; Compulsory Attendance Statutes (N.M.S.A…) 1978 sections 22-12-1 through 22-12-7); Truancy Law House Bill 106
CROSS REFERENCES: Truancy Prevention Workshop Manual; Policy 6.26 Parental Notification; Policy 6.28 Student Welfare
Cafeteria Services
Cafeteria Services:
The Los Lunas School District participates in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Programs.
Students are required to eat lunch in the cafeteria each day. Students may bring a sack lunch. Los Lunas Elementary will be participating in the Universal Lunch and School Breakfast Program. Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge each day for all students.
Dress Code
Dress Code
Keep in mind that dress and appearance must not create a disruption to the instructional process, so other considerations will be made at the site administrator’s discretion.
Pants – Pants must be worn at or above hips, not over-sized or sagging. Pants may not be ripped, or shredded. Pants with holes are permitted as long as skin above the knee is covered.
Shirts- Sleeveless shirts are acceptable as long as they are not muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tank tops, halters, or low armpit sport jerseys. Shirts should be long enough to completely cover the midriff.
Shorts/Dresses/Skirts- All shorts, dresses, and skirts must be fingertip length or longer (even if leggings are worn underneath).
Footwear- It is strongly recommended that students wear a full shoe or athletic shoe. Flip-flops or slide sandals are discouraged at school because they pose a safety hazard for children on the playground. Sandals are not allowed in P.E. Bedroom slippers are not allowed.
Hats, Hoods, and Outerwear- Hats and hoods are permitted outdoors but must be removed when inside buildings.
Piercing’s and Make-up- Only ear piercings will be allowed. Make-up is not allowed to be worn.
Other- Clothing which features alcohol, gangs, gang writing, gambling, tobacco, drugs, or are sexually suggestive are not allowed. jewelry, or tattoos displaying gang, drug or alcohol-related words, pictures or insignias, or profane, vulgar, sexually suggestive, or negative statements are not allowed. All clothing must be appropriately sized.
Promoting a Sale, Collaborative, & Productive School Environment
The staff of Los Lunas Elementary works with students to provide a school environment that is safe both inside and outside the classroom. Every effort is made to minimize distractions to the learning process. We expect every member of our School Community to follow the Code of Conduct and respect the right to learn in all areas of our school.
Classroom Expectations:
Teachers will post and send home copies to parents of their classroom expectations by the first week of school. The only exception to this expectation is when a parent, teacher, or other staff member accompanies a student or group of students.
Closed Campus:
Schools in the Los Lunas School District follow closed campus procedures. Students may not leave the campus, unless they have been properly checked out of the office or have a signed permission slip for a school-sponsored field trip.
Disruptions to the Learning Process:
Every effort will be made to minimize any disruptions to the instructional process of our classrooms. Announcements will be made at the beginning of the school day and, when necessary, at the end of the school day. All deliveries for students during the day will be held until 2:45 by the office, unless the item is necessary for the student’s well-being or academic success.
Parents are asked to make after-school arrangements with their child and teacher before they leave home in the morning. Please do not leave a voicemail message regarding after school transportation. Parents must provide prior written notice to the teacher. No changes will be allowed after 2:30.
School Discipline
The Los Lunas Schools Discipline Handbook establishes expectations for all students. The handbook is accessible on the LLS Safety & Security website. All revisions, corrections, or additions will be posted regularly on the website. The website document will be considered current and takes precedent over any and all previously printed handbook editions. It is the reader’s responsibility to refer to the document on the website for updates and new information. All schools follow the approved guidelines for discipline outlined in the Los Lunas School District Discipline Handbook.
*We ask all parents and guardians to join with us to help students learn responsible and respectful behavior as citizens of our school community.
LLE implements PBIS which is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program, PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
We have adopted a unified set of school rules, these rules define our expectations for behavior in our school. You will see these rules posted throughout the school and your child will be learning them during his or her first days at school. Our unified classroom rules, found in every classroom and non-classroom setting in the school, are as follows:
R – Responsible
O – Ownership
A – Always Safe
R – Respectful
As part of our PBIS process, teachers and other staff members use evidence-based practices to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To keep students adhering to expectations in a positive manner, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
- Constantly teach and refer to our school-wide expectations.
- Provide students with more praise than correction.
- Talk to students with respect using positive voice tone.
- Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
- Use pre-correcting, prompting, and redirecting as we teach.
- Look for the positive first and provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
Bullying behavior by any student in the Los Lunas Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Bullying” means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be based on the student’s race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
- Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s property; or
- Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; or
- Insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.
- Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior to school personnel and administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior
Consistent and fair discipline procedures are crucial to a successful consequence system. We will be respectful of students in our disciplinary responses. Consequences will be focused on teaching, remediation, or logical consequences as much as possible. Students who choose to disregard a school or classroom rule must be prepared to accept the consequences for their action.
Consequences may include, but are not limited to:
Minor behaviors:
• Redirect student and give an opportunity to correct behavior; reteach behavior
• Removal from group or activity (in-class)
• Behavior reflection sheet
• Teacher contact parent (same day)
If minor behavior is repeated, student may get a hot slip. Three hot slips constitute a major referral form that gets turned in to the office as a major behavior.
Major behaviors:
• Teacher will fill out major referral form
• Administrator will determine if student needs an office referral
• Administrator will meet with student and contact parents
• Administrator will follow up with referring teacher
Behavior Definitions
Defiance – Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to follow directions or talks back.
Disrespect – Student delivers low-intensity, socially rude or dismissive messages to adults or students.
Disruption – Student engages in low-intensity, but inappropriate disruption.
Dress-Code – Student wears clothing that does not fit within the dress code guidelines practiced by the school/district.
Inappropriate Language – Student engages in low-intensity instance of inappropriate language not directed at anyone in particular.
Physical Contact – Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact or horseplay.
Property Misuse – Student engages in low-intensity misuse of property.
Technology Violation – Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate (such as incorrect app or unapproved website) use of iPads or computers.
Lying– Student delivers message that is untrue.
Bullying – The delivery of direct or technology-based messages that involve intimidation, teasing, taunting, threats, or name calling.
Defiance – Student engages in refusal to follow directions or talks back and/or when other staff become involved.
Disrespect – Student delivers socially rude or dismissive messages to adults or students.
Disruption – Student engages in behavior causing an interruption in a class or activity. Disruption includes sustained loud talk, yelling, or screaming; noise with materials; horseplay or roughhousing; and/or sustained out of seat behavior.
Fighting – Student is involved in mutual participation in an incident involving physical violence.
Harassment – The delivery of disrespectful messages in any format related to gender, ethnicity, sex, race, religion, disability, physical features, or other protected class.
Physical Aggression – Student engages in actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.)
Property Damage – Student participates in an activity that results in destruction or disfigurement of property.
Technology Violation – Student engages in serious inappropriate (such as any type of violence or sexual nature) iPad or computer.
Theft – Student is involved by being in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property.
* Other behaviors not identified may still be subject to a minor or major behavior consequence.
PFI (Plan for Improvement) slips:
If a student receives a verbal warning for disregarding a school rule and does not immediately correct the action, staff will issue the student a PFI Slip. A PFI Slip may also be issued immediately, without verbal warning, based on the severity of the infraction. The PFI Slip describing the student’s actions will be given to the student’s teacher. The teacher will set the consequences and send a copy of the PFI Slip home to parents. Parents are asked to sign the PFI Slip and return it to the teacher the next school day. A conference may be requested by the teacher or parent. The teacher will document what has occurred and provide information regarding the steps that have been taken to assist the student. The Principal will meet with the student and contact the parents to arrange a conference, In School Suspension (ISS), or other consequences.
Severe Clause:
When a student’s behavior endangers the safety of self or others and/or significantly interferes with the instructional process, the student will be immediately removed from the setting and referred to the principal. Consequences will be determined by administration or designee according to district policies.
This policy is enacted to implement the requirements of the Federal Gun Free Schools Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C., 8921 and N.M.S.A. 1978, 22-5-4-7, and it is the intention of the Board that it be interpreted broadly to conform to these provisions of law. The District’s policy relating to weapons on school property are set out in full in the L.L.S. Student Behavior Handbook. If you have questions about this policy, please refer to the Student Behavior Handbook or contact the administrator for the full text of this policy.
Play Safe-Be Safe!
1. Only one person is using the slide at a time.
2. Slide by sitting down and keeping our legs straight in front of us.
Jungle Gyms, Turning Bars and Twirling Equipment
1. Keep our hands to yourself while playing on any jungle gym and/or turning bars.
2. Do not spin other students on the bars and then reach in to stop the spinning.
3. Keep our feet to ourselves.
4. Do not jump or leap from the top of these structures.
1. Swing back and forth only.
2. One person on a swing at a time.
3. Stop the swing before we get off. Do not jump out of the swings.
4. Make sure that no one is close enough to get kicked.
5. Do not twist or throw the swings to make them shorter.
Drinking Fountains
1. Stand in line and keep our hands off others.
2. Keep the drinking fountains clean.
3. Do not play at the drinking fountains.
4. Use the drinking fountains for drinking purposes only.
Outdoor Restroom
1. Be courteous to others by cleaning up after ourselves.
2. No more than 3 students in the restroom at a time.
3. Use paper towels and toilet paper appropriately.
4. Do not eat or play in the restrooms.
5. Only take the time we need in the restroom.
6. Remember to wash our hands.
7. Use a quiet voice in the restroom.
1. The Courtyard is reserved for class activities and group assemblies. It is not to be used for recess play.
2. Clear the Courtyard during recess breaks.
3. Be courteous to others on our way to and from lunch, during recess, and/or during the school day by being quiet and respectful in the Courtyard.
4. We will not run in the Courtyard.
Areas that are Off-Limits
1. Stay in the playground area. The fences and walls around buildings, and the Courtyard are not part of the playground.
2. If a ball or any other object goes over the fence or into a parking lot, we will ask an adult for assistance.
3. No climbing over the fence to get anything.
4. Do not leave the playground to talk to any adult in the parking lot. All adults must check-in at the office.
School & Classroom Policies
Classroom assignments:
Classroom assignments are available by August 1st of each school year. Information is gathered from parents and staff relating to the learning styles and needs of each student. The principal works with teachers to develop balanced classrooms that best meet the educational needs of students. Class lists reflect a balance of boys and girls, a broad spectrum of achievement level, and an ethnic balance that is representative of the student population.
Field trips:
Field Trips are designed to enrich a student’s learning. Each student must have a signed written permission form on file prior to leaving on any trip. Failure to return a signed permission form prior to the trip will result in the student’s inability to participate. Students are to exemplify good behavior to maximize their learning experience. Students participating in field trips are expected to stay with the school group during the entire trip, including the return to school. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the school principal or designee with 24-hour notice. Students who must have medications on a field trip need written doctor and parent permission. This includes Tylenol and cough syrup, etc. It must be in the properly labeled container. Check with the school nurse if your child needs to have medication on the field trip. The district medication policy will be followed. Students must abide by all school rules and bus regulations during a field trip, as this activity is sponsored by the school. Infractions of school rules and bus regulations will result in appropriate consequences. Parent volunteers are encouraged to assist in supervising their student’s safety and learning. District Risk Management procedures do not permit non-enrolled children to participate in field trips. Parent chaperones may not bring other children to school sponsored field trips.
Safety evacuation drills:
By law, fire drills and codes must be conducted periodically. Drills are not to be taken lightly or just as a period of time away from the classroom. Each drill and code should have as a primary assumption that there is an actual hazard. Students should move quickly and quietly through the assigned exit or the nearest exit. Horseplay and stops at the fountain and/or restroom are to be avoided. Students will remain clear of the building, at a safe distance, or follow code procedure until the signal to return is heard. All students should face away from the building during the drill. Other safety drills students will participate in include shelter-in-place, evacuation, relocation, and lockdown.
The intent of homework is to instill a sense of responsibility in the student and to help that student develop good study habits. Assignments will serve to reinforce skills and to enrich the classroom curriculum. Our goal is to encourage parents to participate in their child’s individual learning needs. Homework is assigned at the discretion of the child’s classroom teacher. If you have questions regarding a homework assignment, please check with the teacher.
The Los Lunas School District has made arrangements for parents to purchase insurance at a minimal cost. Insurance packets will be sent home with all students at the beginning of the school year.
Lost & found:
The school is not responsible for the loss of articles. All personal items should be labeled in order to facilitate the identification of the owner. Toys and sports equipment (balls, bats, gloves) are not to be brought to school. All lost and found articles must be reported to the office. A “Lost and Found” chest is located in the cafeteria.
Parent conferences:
The District sets Parent Conference Days twice a year. Students in grades K-6 are dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Teachers contact parents to schedule a conference during conference days or other times as needed. We encourage parent participation in all conferences.
Parking and loading zones:
Los Lunas Elementary provides parking for parents and other visitors in the parking lot that is in the front of the main school building. The parking lot on the west side of the school is reserved for STAFF ONLY. Parking is not permitted in the bus loading zone on the west side of the school.
Drop off procedures:
Parents will drop off students at the far west area (previously bus zone). Please proceed to the gate located at the east end of the campus and follow the road to the designated drop-off area. If your child is Tardy, you will need to park in the main lot and walk your student(s) into the building to sign them in.
Pick up procedures:
The parking lot in front of the main office is for bus pick up ONLY. Parents will pick up students at the far west area (previously bus zone). Please proceed to the gate located at the east end of the campus and follow the road to the designated pick-up area.
Presentation of Films or Videos:
Film is one of a number of media forms that is used by the classroom teacher to meet students’ varied styles of learning; to stimulate critical thinking skills; and to communicate ideas, thoughts, and artistic expression. Teachers use standard selection guidelines and their professional judgment in selecting all materials used in the curriculum. The selection of films or videos will only be made from “G” rated categories in all K-6 schools. The teacher will always preview any media prior to its use in the classroom. Home taped videos will not be allowed. Judgment will be applied in determining the amount of classroom time that is devoted to this type of reward and the above guidelines will be followed.
Telephones and Cell Phones:
The telephone in the office is a busy one and students will not be allowed to use it except in emergencies. Calls may not be made for books, lunch, or P.E. clothes. Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to refrain from using the telephones to relay messages to students except in emergency situations. Please try to take care of childcare arrangements before children leave to school each day. Parents and/or guardians may call and leave a message via voicemail for a staff member. Students may bring a cell phone to school with the following restrictions:
- The phone will remain turned off during instructional hours.
- The phone will remain in the student’s backpack until the end of the instructional day (dismissal).
- Violation of these restrictions will result in the forfeiture of the phone. The phone will be returned to a parent/guardian.
In conjunction with State of New Mexico mandates, the Los Lunas School District administers several testing instruments. These standardized tests help determine student progress to enable us to make comparisons on the national and state levels and to individualize instruction based on student needs. Standardized achievement tests are given in the spring. Parents are encouraged to take an active part to prepare their students to perform well on tests. A good night’s rest, attendance, a nutritious breakfast, and sharing a “can do attitude” helps children perform better on tests.
Textbooks/student books/library books:
Textbooks/student books/library books are furnished at public expense to each student. The student is responsible for the proper care and return of the books. A fine will be charged for the loss, destruction, or misuse of any book(s) issued to a student. If a student changes teachers or withdraws from school, the student must return all books that were issued by the former teacher. Parents are encouraged to locate a special place at home for a student to keep texts and library books to prevent loss.
Student transportation is a privilege extended to students who qualify for transportation pursuant to statues 22-16-2 NMSA 1978 Compilation. The walking regulation for Kindergarten through sixth grade students is one mile, one way. Students living within a one-mile radius of the school are required to walk, unless the State designates a closer area as hazardous for walking. Students who ride the school bus are expected to obey all state and local regulations governing student transportation. These rules and regulations apply to daily transportation to and from school and on school sponsored activity field trips. Bus drivers will review bus rules with the students. Students who do not follow bus rules and procedures will be issued a Bus Conduct Report by the driver. Students who fail to correct their behavior on the bus and endanger the safety of other passengers will be referred to the Principal or Assistant Principal, or his/her designee, for further action. This action may include the loss of bus privileges (Bus Suspension) in which case the parents are responsible for transporting their child to school. Conferences will be held with the student and parent/guardian to develop a plan to correct the behavior.
To withdraw a student from school, the parents/guardians are asked to provide one-day advance notice to the office. Parents will complete a withdrawal form with the school secretary. All textbooks, library books, and school materials must be returned to school. Book fines must be paid when a student withdraws from school. Records will be forwarded to the receiving school when a parent release is received and all school fees are paid.
Video Monitoring:
A televised security system continually monitors the entire school campus. This system includes cameras and televised monitors in the main office as an additional safety measure.
Religion in the Schools:
The Board recognizes that religion has played an undeniable role in the formation of the world’s peoples, its civilizations, the foundation of our country, and the lives of its citizens. The place of religion in our society should be recognized as an important one.
At the same time, under the Constitution of the United States, our schools may neither actively sponsor, nor interfere with, religion. The proper role of religion in the public schools is in its educational value in the study of subjects such as history, literature, and art, and in non-religious recognition of the place of religion in society. In that capacity, and when appropriate within the curriculum, the subject of religion can provide a basis for schools to teach our children about various belief systems, and their current and historical impact on human culture. The nonreligious study of religion also provides a basis for the schools to play a vital role in instilling understanding, tolerance and mutual respect among people of different backgrounds.
Release Time for Religious Instruction:
Any student may be excused from school to participate in religious instruction for not more than one class period each school day, at a time period not in conflict with the academic program of the school, in accordance with the following procedure. The District administration shall develop a form for Request for Release Time, which includes the following criteria, and such other information as is appropriate for administration of this policy.
The parent or legal guardian of the student shall provide a written consent to the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled, prior to the student’s release. The parent or legal guardian shall identify and include the address and telephone number of the person to whom the student shall be released, if other than the parent or legal guardian, and shall be responsible for assuring that the requested release period does not conflict with the student’s academic schedule. By signing the Request for Release Time consenting to the student’s release for religious instruction, the parent or legal guardian also agrees to assume all responsibility for the released student, and to waive any claim against the Board and District arising from, or relating to, acts or occurrences involving the student during the release period, including, but not limited to, tort claims, and claims for failure to provide an appropriate instructional program.
Teaching Sectarian Doctrine Prohibited:
The parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for arrangements to transport the student to or from the school during the release time.
Except for the authorized period of release time, the student shall comply with and be subject to all District policies, including the District and school site’s attendance policies.
No religious instruction shall be conducted on school property or by any School District employee or member of the School Board.
The District shall not incur any cost or expense in connection with any approved student release for religious instruction.
Adopted: 2/9/88
Revised: 06/16/2008; 05/14/19
Legal References: Section 22-13-15 NMSA 1978
Special Programs - Student Support Services
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL):
Los Lunas Elementary has certified TESOL teachers that will service students based on English Language Proficiency Screening and/or the Los Lunas Schools Home Language Survey. The goal of the Los Lunas Schools is to provide English language support through the grade level content. These services are provided in the regular classroom during the instructional day and focus on the child’s language and academic needs to ensure success in school. For more information, contact our EL coordinator.
Counseling Services:
Counseling Services are available to all students. Our Counselor works with students, families, and staff to promote successful school experiences for our children. Activities focus on self-esteem, responsible choices, work habits, and other topics. Parents may contact the office to arrange an appointment with our Counselor.
Health Services:
Los Lunas Schools employs Registered Nurses to provide essential health services. The School Nurse works with students, staff, and parents to provide current information on health, hygiene, and safety. The Nurse conducts vision/hearing screenings and maintains health records for all students. According to district policy, NO MEDICATION OF ANY KIND (including aspirin and over the counter drugs) can be administered at school without a written order from a doctor and parent.
Library Services:
All students visit the library on a scheduled basis. The library assistant provides activities to encourage reading as a lifelong learning skill. Students should accept the responsibility for the safekeeping and care of library books. To avoid lost books, we suggest that parents select a special place at home for library books. In order to maintain our library’s collection, a fine will be assessed for missing or lost books.
Art Education:
Los Lunas Elementary provides a wide range of art activities. A comprehensive education includes integrated visual arts instruction in all grade levels and in all classrooms. Students are able to think outside the box by analyzing what they see, by using their imagination and their creative abilities, and by being innovative and using self-expression.
Physical Education:
Students are provided with a range of activities to promote fitness and good health through our Physical Education Program. Our Physical Education instructors design well-rounded programs based on the developmental needs of our students. The programs provide opportunities for students to develop responsibility through cooperative play. Our students also participate in physical fitness assessments during the school year.
Instructional programs in areas of special student need may be provided where funds are available. Programs will be under the direction of the professional staff and will address applicable legal and regulatory standards and guidelines.
Instructional programs will be designed to meet the needs of disadvantaged students. Eligibility criteria will be developed by the professional staff to meet applicable legal standards and regulatory guidelines.
MLSS Layers and the Student Assistance Team:
Academic Interventions will be designed and implemented to meet the needs of students who fail to master essential competencies, emphasizing early intervention, and reliance on diagnostic and prescriptive teaching practices at all levels, K-12. Primary Instruction (first instruction) is considered Layer 1 Instruction and shall be provided for all students. Increased intensity of intervention occurs at Layer 2, whereby the student may be recommended for a multidisciplinary evaluation, through the Student Assistance Team (SAT). Layer 3 is considered to be intensive intervention may also necessitate a referral to the Student Assistance Team.
Alternative Educational Setting:
Instruction may be offered in an alternative educational setting, to those students who are unable to attend school or participate in the regular school program, due to mental or physical illness or injury. Such a program or setting may be limited in duration or content, and may include accommodations designed to provide the student access to educational services and the ability to receive educational benefits with supportive aids or services. When appropriate, a referral may be made for evaluation of a student for special education placement.
Gifted Student:
The instructional program will be designed to meet the needs of gifted students. The needs of eligible gifted students will be evaluated and services provided, in accordance with New Mexico Special Education Program Standards.
Special Education and Related Services:
The Board will provide educational programs for eligible students with disabilities in accordance with New Mexico Special Education program standards and applicable federal law and regulations.
Alternative Education Program Policy:
The Board of Education recognizes that certain students who, based upon SAT assessment, will be unlikely to benefit from the District’s regular educational curriculum and do not qualify for special education services, or other special programs as defined in the policy, may benefit from an alternative program specifically designed to address the particular needs of at-risk students. Therefore, the Board supports the development of alternative educational program, within the District’s state-approved educational plan, to provide alternative educational services to assist students in achieving their academic potential.
The Superintendent of Schools shall present to the Board for approval any alternative education programs or modifications to the District’s regular educational program.
The District’s alternative educational program(s) shall comply with applicable educational and performance standards and academic content authorized or approved by the Public Education Department.
If the District receives at-risk program units, pursuant to Section 22-823.3 NMSA 1978, the District shall include a report of the specified services in its annual accountability report, required by Section 22-2C-11 NMSA 1978.
Student Assistance Team:
The Student Assistance Team (SAT), which includes school staff, parents and the student (when appropriate), is a team that uses a positive, problem-solving intervention process. The purpose of the SAT is to create a learning environment that contributes to the achievement, well-being, and success for students. This is a general education process that uses a systematic, positive, problem-solving approach to clarify problems and concerns, develop strategies, mobilize and coordinate resources, provide for a system of accountability with measurable outcomes, and lead to success for all students.
SAT assists students by ensuring that the school and community are doing everything possible to help students succeed. Students are most successful when there is a strong spirit of cooperation between home, school, and community. Based on this shared responsibility, the SAT meets to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of students, and that supports teachers and parents. The SAT includes the most important people in the student’s life; parents or caregivers, teachers, counselors, specialists, wellness staff, school administrators or designees, and any other school or community members who can provide support. SAT intervention plans require participants to look at the student in a holistic manner. Each element in the SAT process provides essential information that assists the team in developing a successful intervention plan based upon student strengths.
Los Lunas Elementary is equipped with one computer lab. Weekly classes are scheduled for each classroom. Each classroom is also equipped with SmartBoards, Apple TV, and iPads. Staff receives training on a regular basis to sustain up-to-date knowledge with new software and hardware. Los Lunas Elementary is a ConnectEd school. All students are issued an iPad for instructional purposes. Students are responsible for the care of the device and accessories. If they are broken or lost, guardians are responsible for replacement or repair costs.